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HydroMet Alpha®-SL

Environmental friendly metal-precipitant
Free of dithiocarbamates

HydroMet Alpha®-SL, the new heavy metal - precipitant generation

Product Information for HydroMet Alpha®-SLProduct Information for HydroMet Alpha®-SL

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Färber & Schmid AG Industriestrasse 10 CH- 8197 Rafz Tel. +41 (0) 43 322 40 40 fs@faerber-schmid.ch www.faerber-schmid.ch
Färber & Schmid GmbH Asangstrasse 132 D- 70329 Stuttgart Tel. +49 (0) 7429 435 9933-0 info@faerber-schmid.de www.faerber-schmid.de