As specialists in surface chemistry, waste water and environmental technology, our cultural value system is based on our obligations to our customers and the environment.
The management values staff as a key resource and cultivates an atmosphere of trust and respect. We demand and encourage competence on every level.
We communicate with honesty and transparency to staff, customers, business associates and the authorities. We champion ethics and fair play.
We manufacture products that meet the highest standards and are uncompromising when it comes to quality. We spare and conserve resources to the utmost.
Our passion for top performance and quality products means we have to permanently train our specialists on the job and drives us on to come up with the very best solutions in terms of economic and ecological requirements. We achieve considerable flexibility in serving our customers thanks to the vast experience of the two business owners and an extremely dynamic team.
We engage in intensive contact with customers, because we can only come up with practical solutions in conjunction with our customers. Our ability to launch innovative and sustainable products on the market is a crucial factor in our success.
Färber & Schmid AG | Industriestrasse 10 | CH- 8197 Rafz | Tel. +41 (0) 43 322 40 40 | | |
Färber & Schmid GmbH | Asangstrasse 132 | D- 70329 Stuttgart | Tel. +49 (0) 7429 435 9933-0 | | |