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Färber & Schmid is number 1!


Färber & Schmid is number 1!

The Indutrade Process, Energy & Water Leadership Conference took place from 27 to 29 January in Munich. (...)

Treatment of residual wastewater from printed circuit board production


A large company specializing in the production of printed circuit boards was confronted with problems in the treatment of waste water containing resins. This wastewater from the production process, when stripping the resist film from the printed circuit board, produced sludge that was extremely difficult to dewater, causing the downstream chamber filter press to become clogged within a very short time and requiring extensive cleaning every two days. In addition, there were always wastewater batches with residual turbidity, which meant that the treatment had to be repeated and took a lot of time. (...)

Optimisation of alkaline cleaning systems - Automated cleaning of printing ink containers


DE-Paint XN-77 - Speciality cleaner

Users of alkaline-based washing systems often encounter the same problems again and again:

  •  Foam formation
  •  Odour pollution
  •  Poor cleaning performance

Machine downtime, increased costs due to additional labour and bath maintenance, the use of appropriate PPE, more washing cycles and a lot of manual rework are the difficulties associated with this. (...)

30 years of Färber & Schmid!


30 years of Färber & Schmid!

Färber & Schmid is celebrating its proud 30th anniversary this year and took the opportunity to invite everyone on a special trip to Zermatt. The F&S team spent unforgettable days in the middle of a breathtaking mountain scenery with a unique view of the majestic Matterhorn. (...)

Wastewater treatment from PET bottles Recycling processes


A practical report

A well-known PET recycler in the European market produces the highly organically contaminated effluent typical of the industry. Most of the water is ge (...)

Field experience with Diplexin HP-09


Field experience with Diplexin HP-09:

Immediately after the product launch, the newly developed, highly efficient heavy metal precipitant Diplexin HP-09 was presented to a long-standing customer. This long-established international surface coating company produces large quantities of zinc and zinc/nickel electrolyte contaminated rinse water on a daily basis. (...)

Our new ICP-Analyser


Färber&Schmid gears up for the future!

We at Färber&Schmid are pleased to introduce our new ICP analyser, which supports us in the analysis of wastewater samples. This innovative technology allows us to achieve even more accurate results and determine the right products for wastewater treatment. (...)

Practical experience with Diplexin S-100 as a 1:1 substitute for sodium sulphide flakes


Diplexin S-100 is used in industrial wastewater treatment for the precipitation of complexed metals.

As a liquid product with the same concentration and mode of action, Diplexin S-100 is a real 1:1 alternative to sodium sulphide 60-62% in dry flake form. Crystallisation does not occur with liquid Diplexin S-100 despite the high concentration of active ingredient. (...)

RESIN-Clean EXP-3/M-V2 - Highly efficient special cleaner
Replacement of Dimethylformamide (DMF) - Cleaning of flame laminating rollers


The EU further restricts the use of dimethylformamide. The tightening of the regulation creates considerable problems with regard to the marketing, production and especially the use of dimethylform (...)

Diplexin HP - 09
Especially for highly complexed Zn-Ni waste water - The new heavy metal precipitant


With the new and highly efficient heavy metal precipitant Diplexin HP - 09, developed by F&S, almost all rinsing waters of zinc-nickel electrolyte types can be treated safely and reproducibly.
The required metal limit values can be achieved at any time. (...)

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Färber & Schmid AG Industriestrasse 10 CH- 8197 Rafz Tel. +41 (0) 43 322 40 40 fs@faerber-schmid.ch www.faerber-schmid.ch
Färber & Schmid GmbH Asangstrasse 132 D- 70329 Stuttgart Tel. +49 (0) 7429 435 9933-0 info@faerber-schmid.de www.faerber-schmid.de