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Latest Technology for Safe and Reliable Performance

Plant Design for Industrial Water Treatment and Sewage Water Treatment

Thanks to our mastery of Processes in the Production Field, we fully assess the needs of our Customers and devise the ideal Plant Design. From the Planning Stage, through Support for regulatory Tasks and Compliance, to designing chemical-technical Methods and ensuring standardized Operation, we are your reliable Partner from A to Z with constant updates to meet evolving Requirements.

Flyer Plant Design (*.pdf-Datei, 408 KB)

Waste Water Treatment

Water and Process Water Supply

Reclamation of valuable Materials

Control System, Measuring and Regulatory Technology

Färber & Schmid AG Industriestrasse 10 CH- 8197 Rafz Tel. +41 (0) 43 322 40 40 fs@faerber-schmid.ch www.faerber-schmid.ch
Färber & Schmid GmbH Asangstrasse 132 D- 70329 Stuttgart Tel. +49 (0) 7429 435 9933-0 info@faerber-schmid.de www.faerber-schmid.de